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10.27.21 - Development

CMS Horror Stories to Scare Your Socks Off

an image of Dracula, frankenstein and a skelaton 

When it comes to content management systems, we’ve seen all the ghosts, ghouls, and goblins. Ones that provide too much control. Others that don’t provide enough. And some that flat-out don’t work.

Regardless of the specific terror, if your core competency is anything other than building websites you shouldn’t be cursed with handling a tricky content management system (CMS).

Whether you’re haunted by an existing website or about to take on a new project, listen to these horror stories to avoid a terrible fright 👻 

dracula and a quote reading "i can't make simple edits. i always have to contact our developers. it's sucking the life out of me." Dr. Acula

The Curse: Take it from Dr. Acula… sometimes a CMS can be too limiting. A developer may intentionally limit the controls in order to simplify things or to prevent a client from breaking the site. But even the best intentions can go too far. 

The Reverse: At the onset of every project, we have an honest conversation to understand a client’s needs. Do you need a totally different CMS or can we modify the existing one? How much access and customization are required? Deep reflection upfront is the easiest way to avoid issues down the road. Maybe Dracula can’t take a look in the mirror, but we’re willing to do that with you.

A graphic image of Frankenstein's monster

The Curse: Having too much control can be downright scary. All the well-known site builders—Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, etc.—can provide too much control in certain situations. You might, for example, change one headline only to realize you have to manually update all the other headlines. That’s not what you signed up for.

The Reverse: It’s supposed to be a content management system, not a website design system. That’s why we always go for a CMS that allows you to focus on the content. The solution is not always about removing control; it is often about simplifying the content-editing experience. That means selecting the right tools and plug-ins to simplify pagebuilding.

Image of a smiling skeleton with a quote "This thing always breaks. Is it haunted or cursed?" -Thomas Deadison

The Curse: How do you deal with an outdated CMS… repair or start over? Websites are complex with a lot of moving parts. Sometimes they’re only being misused, but other times they are brittle old skeletons destined for the graveyard.

The Reverse: If you’re overwhelmed, it’s helpful to have a trusted partner who’s been there before. Let’s jump on a 30-minute call and talk through your frightful situation. Makeway can spend some time looking under the hood and come up with a longer-term game plan.

Oh, the horror! It’s enough to make Stephen King’s blood curdle 😱

Sometimes it’s a fear of the unknown or the unfamiliar. Sometimes it’s personal preference. 

Once upon a time, we had a client who wanted a very simple CMS. All was going well until a new marketing director came in with a preference for greater control. So, we modified the site to fit their needs. We can even provide varying levels of control to different roles within an organization.

It’s about finding the right balance and putting the appropriate tools in the people’s hands who need them.

Remember, you’re not alone in your CMS terror. Whether you’re a client or not, we’re always happy to provide a free consultation to help ward off evil spirits figure out what CMS solutions are on the table.

When it comes to spooky CMS situations, there’s no calling the ghostbusters. Before you leave your website in the graveyard, give Makeway a call.